Installation Guide

JedeyeFX Documentation


Installation Guide

Before proceeding with JedeyeFX installation process, you must check if your system has a recent version of MetaTrader Terminal. JedeyeFX takes advantage of features that are only available for MetaTrader build 600 and above. This means that JedeyeFX will not work on previous builds so it is important that you check your current MetaTrader version by going to the menu Help > About.
If your version is outdated or you haven't installed MetaTrader 4 before, you can download it from its official site  .

JedeyeFX can be installed through the setup file available for download in the Customer Area  . This installer is the express way to make JedeyeFX installation as seamless and hassle-free as possible. As of MetaTrader 4 build 600 and above, its indicators and expert advisors installation paths have been moved to outside the programs folder to the App Data’s Roaming directory, like this:

JedeyeFX installer will automatically detect this path for you whenever it is executed and will define the proper target directories for the expert advisor and its dependencies/libraries. This means that most JedeyeFX installs will be made through just a few “next” button clicks.

Keep in mind that JedeyeFX installation requires MetaTrader 4 terminal to be closed in order to install all files properly. If you install JedeyeFX while keeping MetaTrader 4 terminal open, the installer will ask you to close the terminal in order to proceed with the installation.

Multiple Local MetaTrader 4 Installations

If you have multiple installations of MetaTrader 4 in your system, you’ll find multiple instance folders in the MetaTrader App Data’s Roaming folder. In such case, JedeyeFX will try to detect the most used MetaTrader instance, but it is not garanteed that the found path is the correct one.

In order to check for the proper install directory, you must do the following:
  1. Open MetaTrader 4 terminal and go to the menu File > Open Data Folder.
  2. The folder window will open and you’ll see the full directory on the address bar.
  3. If the path matches the one detected by the JedeyeFX installer, then you’re good to proceed with installation by clicking on the “next” button.
  4. If, on the other hand, you notice that the path is not the same, the you must manually enter the correct one, or just copy the full path on the folder window’s address bar and paste it in the directory text input of JedeyeFX installer.
Click on the “next” button to proceed with installation and then check if it was successfull by opening MetaTrader 4 terminal and checking for JedeyeFX on the navigator pane, as shown below:
MetaTrader 4 Navigator Pane
MetaTrader 4's Navigator Pane

Configuring MetaTrader 4 to Support JedeyeFX Libraries

JedeyeFX uses its own libraries in order to run and therefore, libraries importation needs to be activated in MetaTrader 4. This options comes disabled by default, so it is always important to check if it active before trying to run JedeyeFX for the first time. In order to do that, in MetaTrader 4 menu, go to Tools > Options and then select the Expert Advisors tab in the window that appears. Check if the option Allow DLL imports is checked, just like in the picture below. If you see that it is disabled, please enable it and then restart MetaTrader 4 (this is very important). If you enable the option but don't restart MetaTrader, JedeyeFX will not get to work.
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors Options

JedeyeFX Uninstallation

JedeyeFX can be easily uninstalled by following the next steps:
  1. Go to File > Open Data Folder in MetaTrader 4 Terminal.
  2. In the window that just opened you’ll find a Uninstaller.exe file.
  3. Run it and when it finishes, restart MetaTrader 4 terminal.