Loss Allowed On Execution Stop

JedeyeFX Documentation


Loss Allowed On Execution Stop

This option allows closing orders automatically when JedeyeFX execution stops. When you set a schedule in the Execution Time   input, the expert will stop its activity at the end weekday and time you set. It is important to note that all the current open orders will be left open whenever this happens. You can, however, set an acceptable loss value for which the orders have permission to be automatically closed when JedeyeFX gets into sleeping mode.

For example, say you set this input to 10. This will tell JedeyeFX to assume that whenever it gets out of schedule and goes into sleeping mode, if the global loss is equal or below to $10 then orders should be automatically closed. Note that setting a positive value into this input means a negative profit. Thus it is possible to easily set the expert to automatically close orders if the global profit is at least equal or greater than a certain value (the one you set). The only change you have to do is to add a - (minus) signal before the value making it negative. For example, setting this input to -10 means that the orders must be automatically closed on expert’s execution stop if global profit is at least equal or greater than $10.

Setting this option to 0 disables it.